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Saturday, December 22, 2007

turkey, malls, and christmas lights.

the last 24 hours were ones that reminded me that life is still a beautiful thing even when its beauty can be blurred by the crap that happens.

i went home last night so i could spend some time catching up with katie and kel in the oh so familiar sweeney basement. that place holds some great memories and it is always so fun to drive up to her house and just hang out like old times. then this morning kel and i went back to good old Williamston High School to partake in the annual Turkey Feast that marks the beginning of Christmas break and brings back all the science alumni to the school for food and old friends. it was really fun walking those halls with kel and seeing everything we used to be a huge part of, even though a lot of it has changed now. catching up with some friends i haven't seen in forever and getting to see some awesome teachers too. going back and reliving old times always seems to stir something in me and spark a lot of conversation with kelly and katie.

afterwards me and my mom went out to face the chaotic world that is Christmas shopping. now you have to realize that my mom hates shopping and she is also a terribly indecisive person...especially when there is a hard rock version of Jingle Bells blasting out of the speakers right above her head. there is always a little exasperation when we are out together, but it has been getting better and better and today we even laughed a few times and stopped to admire the large poster of John Krasinski in the Gap window.

then my dad decided to take the fam out to Clara's restaurant for some dinner action. i love eating out with my family. it makes me feel like a little kid again and it always brings conversation between my brother and i, which is something i also love. today he asked if i wanted to go with him to the Motor City Bowl, which shocked me because a) he wanted to go with me of all people and b) he wanted to go with me. then my dad decided to be sentimental and wove his way through Lansing to Holt in order to revisit our old stomping grounds and drive past all the Christmas light displays...but after hitting 4 dead ends, we promptly bailed on that plan and went to get a movie...

so tonight i am packing up and getting ready to head home for the next few days. i am kind of nervous because i know these next few days are going to hold a lot of emotion from all sides. i will have A LOT of thinking time which is something i'm excited about but also a little unprepared for. i know my dad and i will have some conversations that will make me reevaluate my life (which isn't always as bad as it sounds). in all honesty i know my nerves/patience/temper are going to be pushed, pulled, and provoked in all directions and i can only pray now that i can be mature and loving and full of grace. i've been praying a lot lately for grace and for the ability to be honest and not sarcastic and i know that this break is going to set me up with some serious practice time for both. wish me luck...

best of all. i get to be with my family for Christmas though. i am so so grateful for another year and i am so excited for the relaxation and down time. i am praying for everyone else's holidays; i hope they are meaningful, beneficial, and fun.

merry christmas to alllllllll :-)

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