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Friday, April 2, 2010


how do you say it? happy good friday? merry good friday?
i'm not really sure what is politically correct in your greetings and in reminding people that this is in fact the day that Jesus Christ was brutally murdered. hung on a cross so that I, Dilyn and you,______, would not have to.

does this make sense? it is a story told over and over, but it never feels like we understand the full magnitude of it. and i believe that we do not often stop to consider the full magnitude of it because we are living lives that do not beg forgiveness.

how can you truely desire hope and grace if you have not admitted daily that you need it? how do we understand what His complete sacrifice can mean for us if we think that our lives are "good enough"? what will draw us to a higher purpose if we don't care to see purpose in our walk?

as if laying low. eating your breakfast. getting to class on time. making enough money at work to get by and not staying up too late will keep you off the "hell" radar. as if being the "good kid" will just fake the people around you into believing you pray and read your bible and ask God for advice. how often are we stripped of everything and reminded that that we are nothing. that those things won't save us.

why do we always wait until we are completely frustrated to finally thrown our hands up and give it to God? you know how people always talk about not wanting a sad funeral? well i think that God, while wanting us to understand the complete magnitude of his sacrifice, did not intend for us to only remember it in a sorrowful state.

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