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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

mile away.

i'm closing in on the finish line of my college career. soon i will be an MSU alum and a bachelor degree holder. my life will be perfect and all will be right with the world as i immediately pay off all of my debts and begin to make millions in preparation for a great retirement.

too fast you say?

well i AM living in a culture of instant gratification. why shouldn't i be able to be satisfied and happy immediately? why shouldn't i be able to say exactly what is going to happen in my life next? why can't i have it all when i want it?

unfortunately 2010 is very real. the economy sucks. it costs tens of thousands of dollars to get a good degree and there is a very real chance that you will in fact not get into grad school or get the job that you believe you desire at this 22 year old moment. i am stepping off of the conveyor belt, assembly line that has so far been my life and am stepping into the black abyss of unknown.

i mean REALLY unknown. and while most days i don't feel like getting out of bed. can barely convince myself that these exams are actually worth studying for. and have absolutely no leads into what i will be doing in 11 days. i still for some crazy reason feel peace.

oh wait - there is a reason...

Jesus Christ has died and he has risen. he gives me a reason to wake up. to pass my classes and to dream of the future. he assures me that he has plans to prosper and not to harm me. he will not put me through more than i can bear. and most importantly he has given me the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me into a life of sharing his name and Gospel with those i come in contact with - whoever/wherever/whenever that is.

so at least i have that on my side :)

1 comment:

  1. dil - i read this post right after yesterday's reading of my utmost for his highest. they go completely hand in hand :) oswald chambers was talking about how we need to be joyful for the uncertainty we find in our lives because we are joyful in the certainty of christ. we are not uncertain of god, only of what he is going to do next.

    i'm excited to hear what he has planned next in your life...i will wait with you in breathless anticipation :)

    hope i get to see lots of you this summer!!
