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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

i swear this time i mean it.

well hello.

i have like 11 posts in progress over the last month and a half that i just never got around to finishing. it has been a busy month of summer! lots of lake visits which has been GREAT because last summer was such a cold and rainy bummer.

it has been a month of continued searching and seeking of answers. where to live, where to work, where to apply for grad school. what to do in my spare time? should i be enjoying this summer of time off and good weather even though i have little money to spare, or should i spend each day searching fervently for what to do in this sabbatical of a year that awaits me.

i believe i have stayed excited amidst the confusion and for that i am thankful. i have learned to enjoy this time a little more, instead of constantly feeling like i am wasting time and should be busy. i shouldn't be. i have instead had some reality checks about what really matters.

the best friends i have seen little of in the last few years are back around and i have realized how i have taken them for granted. i miss them dearly and their effect on my life. i am trying now to use my time for them, to reconnect. to open up again, to be honest and to figure out who i am now and what i want and need in my future. there are also good friends i have to say goodbye to in the coming month as they move away and start the next chapter that God has called them to.

so although i feel like i haven't done much since graduation, i am realizing that the people i can be spending time with is a far greater use of time. this is a relational season of life i am in and i plan on taking advantage of that!

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