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Thursday, August 2, 2012

sola gratia.

this past week i was blessed to be able to attend the Legacy Movement in Chicago, IL at Moody Bible College. it was a last second decision that ended up being a great shove from the Lord. it is amazing the chances and chances he gives us to realize he is enough.

the group! (minus amy) i got left awkwardly kneeling :)

finally got my first chick fil-a experience! and with all the brouhaha going on about it i loved it even more!!

lydia, kelsey, rodella and i.

the theme of this years conference was "sola gratia" - Latin for "grace alone" - one of 5 founding principles of the Reformists. we explored the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) through each person's lens, talking about the grace of the gospel found for the younger son, the older son and the father.

it was incredible to sit among peers and be a minority. to hear the gospel preached in a new way. it is still the same, it never changes. but in a difference audience you get a fresh perspective. there was a genuine excitement and awe regard of scripture that was so necessary for me to be a part of.

my first workshop was on the inerrant nature of the Bible. lead by Boogalu (a member of the group the Alert) we discussed the reaction of the world to our proclamation that the Bible is truth.  it was hard hitting to remember that we cannot assume that there is any respect for the word of God in pop culture - to many it is fairy tale. 

the best thing i took away was this quote: "The truth leaves a good trail." 
it is unfathomable the ways that the Lord has protected his words and his prophecy through the ages. when people tried to destroy it, it has sustained. it has not been disproven yet, because he has intricately woven its passage through time. it is everlasting. 

praise the lord.

"more humble rappers please" best tanks by Humble Beast hip-hop label. Propaganda was one of the rappers who did a lot of different shows, he is an unbelievable lyricist.

Tedashii!! i was SOOO pumped to see him! he and Lecrae just released a new music video together from Lecrae's new stuff

Friday night hip-hop show hosted by DJ Wade-O. This'l, Tedashi, KB, Andy many passionate Christians who have insane hip-hop talent. their stories are inspirational.

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