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Friday, September 20, 2013

Sex & Money

sex and money. 
two words that probably occupy much more of our daily thoughts than we'd all care to admit, yet they also seem to be the two biggest taboo topics our culture faces. especially the Christian culture. 
in a nation that is over-sexualized and drowning in debt, we believe we can fool people out of believing that these things could possible pertain to ourselves. the lack of talking, has lead to people leading secret lives and struggling through a lot of things all on their own. 

Crossway author Paul David Tripp took a stand and in this book, boldly approached these scary topics in a Godly way. how can we begin to take hold of these and get our struggles out of the shadows and into the light without having to first hit rock bottom?

i love the way that Tripp eases us into the conversation by reminding us of what is most important. it isn't to concentrate on everything we are doing right or wrong, but to remember that in Christ we are forgiven and with him on our side we will have all the power we need to forgive ourselves and live a life in freedom. 

we hear heart breaking story after heart breaking story about secret lives, screw ups, regrets.
now, i'm not sure where you are coming from in terms of sex or money - what you're views are - but by putting my faith in Christ, I am saying that in Him i am free and while striving to remain pure and wise with my money, i don't need to beat myself up when i mess up, but instead draw closer to Christ and remember i am not perfect, but he is and he's got me. 
it's pretty amazing.

i digress.
the hardest thing that i processed through while reading this book was the idea of holy sex. i mean come on, sex and holy just don't really seem to go together in my mind. Tripp explains it by saying that all things, whether sex or speech, are made holy by your heart and your intentions. 
same with money.
are the ways you are using your body and the ways you are using your money from a selfish heart or a selfless heart? it truly makes all the difference. 

secondly, Tripp connects sex and money with love.
sex and money will not be used appropriately when enjoyed outside of love.
one of my favorite reminders in the book was when Tripp reminds us that both sex and money are in "hot pursuit" of what neither have a right to promise - life!!
so true.

overall - Tripp sets this book up in a completely user friendly way. 
eases us into the hard topics.
and consistently reminds us throughout that we are loved by One far greater than all this mess. 
as one of my favorite songs says:
"twas grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home"

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