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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

believe in what you want.


i do not believe this is true. but jimmy eat world does.
JEW (awkward) is one of my favorite bands. i could listen to any of their albums all the way through. but this song just made me stop and listen again because it is touching on a topic i have been faced with a lot lately. the lyrics say:

Don't bother going through your motions.
Nothing that makes sense ever works out...
Please keep in sight what makes you care...
Do you believe in what you want?...
What you ignore is priceless to me...

this isn't the whole song...but the lines that stuck out to me. in reading these words i am trying to figure out what the singer believes. he obviously has a conflict of interest with the listeners he is speaking to, but i'm not sure what he actually believes in. is he saying you should believe in what you want? or that you are a fool for believing what you want?

well. lets go to a more reliable source. the bible...
this passage has continued to recur and recur in my life for the past few weeks. in my own life and in the conversations i have been having with friends and with high school students. Romans 7:14-17 says that as a Christ follower i have decided in my heart that the law of God is true. that i need his forgiveness for eternal life and that he is the only one who can save me from a life of sin. however, although we know that this is true we continue to do the opposite.

we know what we want to do and what we do not want to do. yet we are always finding ourselves drawn back to what we know is sin. if you are banking that by accepting Christ you are saved from sin. you have to really BELIEVE that. because otherwise, each time you are sucked back into sin you are going to feel more and more helpless and hopeless i have come to find.

we cannot just believe what we want. we have to believe what we KNOW. the truth that we are saved. that we are forgiven for yesterday, today and tomorrow. so that we can truly rest assured in our salvation and the truth that God has promised for those who believe. keep that in sight.

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